About Clover.jpg


We would like to invite you into our home, into our family, into shop to tell you a story and commune with you.

Every wine should take you on a journey. It should communicate through it’s flavor profiles and take you to the place where the grapes were grown, what weather the grapes experienced, and what soil it soaked up. It should tell you what barrel it aged it, and what it was mixed with. These seemingly small details all come together to tell an intimate story of a wine’s journey. 

The small, boutique wines often tell the best stories. They are the ones often grown and bottled generation after generation from a single family. They are the ones who make producing wine an art of its own and put their life’s work into it. That’s what it is really about, putting passion into what you do. Producing from the heart.

And the heart of our company is our granddaughter, Clover. She is full of light and inspires us to live with passion. So our mission is to find the hidden gems, wines with passion and a story, and pass them on to you. Because in the end, it’s about sharing stories and special moments over a gem of a wine, with the people you love. 

Michael and Lannette Tomlin

Clover Wine Merchant

907 Carroll St.

Perry, GA 31069

